Monday, July 1, 2013

Hot As Blazes... The Temperature not the Real Estate Economy.

Hot As Blazes… Hope that you are keeping your cool.
Here in the Sacramento Valley we are facing unbelievably hot weather.  Hopefully it doesn’t last much longer.  Temperatures are triple digit, yesterday was 107 degrees—third day in a row higher than 100 degrees and more of the same are forecast for the coming week. Any conversation with clients or colleagues begins with a monologue and dialogue about the weather and the heat.  We are sure that it is going lead to increased political discussions about climate change, carbon taxes, and what are we as a society going to do about it?  This kind of heat is almost unbearable… Also we are sure that others and ours productivity suffers in this kind of heat.

Coincidentally discussion about the heat has found its way into our real estate publications and commentaries.  Our colleague, Garrick Brown, the Research Director for Terranomics and Cassidy Turley, had a great newsletter out on July 1, 2013, in which he points out that “Heat Waves are Not Good For Sales”.  He didn’t come right out and predict that it would shave a point or two off our GDP but he does point out that it is probably bad for business.
Brown went so far as to justify writing about the weather in a Retail Newsletter by asking: “So why the weather report in the middle of a retail newsletter?”  Weather impacts retail sales. And, unless you sell ice cream, yogurt, swimming pools or air conditioners (and a few other products) that impact is likely to be negative. Seven of the ten hottest summers on record have been recorded since 2000. 

Each year for the past four years, we have also experienced a summertime swoon in the general economy. As this has happened, we have had relatively clear-cut causes that we could target; skyrocketing gas prices, policy debates eroding confidence, etc. But we have generally also seen summer retail sales go a little bit soft each year as well. Garrick’s retail newsletter and all of our Terranomics research reports can be found linked here.
More about Heating Up and just as Coincidental, our firm Cassidy Turley just issued a 37 page Research Report, aptly titled, What’s Hot in Commercial Real Estate, Summer of 2013.  Here is a link to the entire publication. Check out the graphic of a cityscape sculpted into the top of a melting Popsicle.
The report is a good macro overview about the economy and the commercial real estate sector. In addition the report has regional snapshots on many markets within the country.  Page 30 of the report is on Sacramento and It points out that Sacramento is the 24th largest market by size in the USA and that our population has increased by 33% in the last 25 years.  
Of particular interest is an insightful article on how hard it would be to measure the detrimental impacts that our region would have faced if we had lost the Sacramento Kings and if they would have moved elsewhere.  Also, there is promise and potential with new and renewed interest in downtown development as a result of the King’s staying and planning the development of a new arena where  the old K Street Mall is located. Here is a link to that article.
In conclusion try to remain cool and calm and carry-on.  The weather is hot but the economy is so-so.  Hopefully, both will improve soon!  

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