Monday, July 21, 2008

California Green Building Code Enacted...!

Attention developers!! Green—no longer just an ideal but now a reality. California Green Building Code enacted…

We like to think of ourselves as progressive, helping our clients better understand the ins and outs of what it takes to develop buildings for the upcoming century. It is clear that we need to get up to speed with the new building code for California. We will add that to our studies already underway for LEEDS AP. Thank goodness we are believers in lifelong learning.

This past Thursday, the California Building Standards Commission adopted the first statewide “green” building code in the nation, moving all of these “green talk” from just an ideal to a forthcoming reality. The code will be phased in between 2009 to 2011 and encompasses Commercial buildings, health care facilities, and homes. Some impacts include lowering water use, improving air quality, and increasing energy efficiency. Some advice to developers of commercial buildings and homes--use this as the impetus to get familiar with what it takes to re-conceptualize your plans and projects to incorporate these standard and other ideals rather than being forced to change by a new law.

For the reference, go to the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s press release at

Or to the Sac Bee article at

To learn more about green, to to the US Green building council web site at:

Also view our previous blog article on intelligent buildings at:

If we can help you with strategies to help you prepare for this upcoming change in the building code and the related elements of vision, innovation, collaboration, sustainability, and consideration of utilizing technology and targeted marketing please give us a call. For questions about this post or to discuss please contact Jim Gray or Nahz Anvary at (916) 617-4255 or (916) 617-4257

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